
Mar 11, 2013

First time at a Writing Workshop

I am a voyeur.
I relish looking at art
   experiencing art, buying art, being with art
It's cliched I know, but some of my best friends are artists
Still I don't see myself as art or artist.

Our assignment was to describe our eyes
I squinted into a mirror by the window
    struggling to see myself not through glasses, but through artist eyes
"The shape of the mirror frame changes the shape of your face,"
      one of us muses

Now, in our quiet writing time, only thoughts of music come to me
Unbidden, snippets of lyrics dance through my head
"Blue eyes crying in the rain..."
"These eyes have seen a lot of love..."
"You're too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you..."

"Go deep inside
Find your own voice," the old poet had said

I pick up the mirror once again
A voyeur of my own face


  1. "Go deep inside. And find your own voice..." Oh, how those words shout triumphs of truth! That we might not be another clone of words already piercing the bloggersphere....but, be our own voice. The voice God made us. As we put words down on our computer screen!

    Thanks for linking up & posting UNITES button! This so blesses me!

    1. Thanks, Jen for your kind words. Yes, we all need to find our own voices. I am happy to link up!
